Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Christmas school concert

The girls had their annual school concert. They sang a few songs with their classmates. Their "other Mom" did not show up. She has actually only attended ONE thing they had for school, which was the concert last Christmas. The girls cried a lot when we got home. They called her and asked where she was. She told them she was busy working. Then told Gerry she was busy moving to her new duplex. Her other ex (the dad of her older son-yes another kid) sh0wed up though with Joe (anika and jasmines brother by the "other mother" and Alberto). It was great to see Joe, Albert and his two other kids (with yet another mother). I tell you, what is really going on in society?!

I guess the morning after pill was not developed until after 2000?!

Anyhow, the show was wonderful. The girls looked adorable in their dresses and in their big smiles up on stage. I love the girls so much. I just wished that someone so heartless would not continue to tell them she will show up and then not show up.

I am always cleaning up tears around here, along with their father.

After watching Charlie Brown Christmas Specials, eating popcorn and drinking hot chocolate, the kids temporarily forgot about their absentee "other Mother". They are as blessed to have me, as I am to have them.


Monday, December 15, 2008

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.

With dreams that Sponge Bob pajamas soon would be there. Just joking. (Meet Jasmine!)

This is pretty in pink Anika.
(Please note: this post is titled Zeus and the tree...in error. I am still learning how to use this thing! Please do not contact me with corrections! Ha! I am keeping it with it's faults and all.)

Zeus and our tree

This is the third Christmas Gerry, Anika, Jasmine and I have spent living together as a family. We decided to get a large seven (7) foot tree for three (3) reasons. 1. The kids asked for a huge tree. Last year we have an artificial little one perched on a table top. 2. Real live trees make your home smell delicious. For months after Christmas, my vaccum cleaner will still fill the house with the faint smell of the pine needles. I didn't want to miss out on that this year! 3. Last, because this year, we have many presents to put under it and love to spread around it!!!

Things have not been easy for a blended family. Our daughters Jasmine, age 6 and Anika, age 7, are Gerry's from his first marriage. The girls live with us and just see their "other Mom" four nights a month (sometimes less).

We get along great and none of us take one another for granted. All four of us are very much in love with each other! There are many types of love and bonding...(no, not bondage. Get your mind out of the gutter. This is a sweet family moment!) I love the girls like my own and they love me like another Mama. Just like all families, we have our challenges as well.

In addition to Zeus, the 90 pound Pitbull, we have 12 pound Lacey. She is a Manchester Terrier who is camera shy, so no Christmas photo of her as of yet. I will post the pics that I sort of got of her later. Anyhow, Anika says that Lacey is NOT a MANchester Terrier...she is a GIRLchester Terrier (insert the tone of voice of an annoyed kid telling her Mom "duh"). We laugh and let her know that Manchester is a town in England and a breed of dog. She still insists she is right and we should NOT call Lacey a man when she is a girl. OMG! Gotta love kids! Speaking of kids, tomorrow night is their Christmas Show (singing) at school. I am getting up extra early to arrive at work earlier in order to get home earlier to prepare them for the show!!! Dresses, ponytails, tights, black high heeled dress shoes...their favorite! Girls are dandy made out of candy.

Happy Holidays!


testing testing!